Nelson Ehinger

Vice President, Fairfield County Bank
Financial Advisor, Osaic Institutions, Inc.
203.431.7535 | Email Nelson


Meet Nelson

Years in Financial Services

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Wishing is not enough; we must do."
- Johann Wolfgang Van Goethe


Nelson's career in financial services spans three decades, with time spent in retail banking, insurance services, and investment services. His expertise fuels his exceptional approach to comprehensive financial planning. He operates out of the Fairfield County Bank 150 Danbury Road branch office in Ridgefield and works with individuals, business owners, non-profit organizations and corporations throughout upper Fairfield County.

What to Expect
Mr. Ehinger draws on his extensive experience from banking, insurance, and investment arenas to provide his clients with holistic financial guidance. He believes that mutual success is predicated on long-lasting relationships built from integrity, knowledge, service and trust. Nelson holds his FINRA Series 7, 24, 63, and 65, and most recently earned his Certified Social Security Strategist (CSSCS) designation. He has also received the Retirement income Certified Professional (RICP®) designation from the American College of Financial Services. In addition to these cetifications, he holds insurance licenses.

Outside of Work
Nelson currently resides in Ridgefield with his wife and children. Away from the office, he enjoys spending time outside with friends and family.



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Investment and insurance products and services are offered through Osaic Institutions, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Fairfield County Financial Services is a trade name of Fairfield County Bank. Osaic Institutions and the Bank are not affiliated. Products and services made available through Osaic Institutions are not insured by the FDIC or any other agency of the United States and are not deposits or obligations of nor guaranteed or insured by any bank or bank affiliate. These products are subject to investment risk, including the possible loss of value.